Thursday, March 28, 2013

That's Divine

We us the phrase "I'm only human," as a way of saying, "give me a break, I'm not perfect."

What if saying, "I'm human," instead of using our nature as an excuse, became a symbol of excellence?

When we look at a magnificent piece of art or hear an awe-inspiring concert, we might say, something to the effect of, "That was divine!"

What if in the face of excellence, magnificence, and awe, we began to say, "Now that was human!"

This isn't one more attempt to make ourselves divine. In fact, I believe we have come to use our humanness as an excuse because we so often pressure ourselves and others towards some futile notion of perfection which is neither human, nor divine. This wouldn't erase our shortcomings, inabilities, and anxious tendencies towards cold-heartedness at all.

But perhaps if our language began to change, perhaps our humanity could begin to become a source of motivation, rather than an excuse for mediocrity.

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